Louisville Waterfront Park

Louisville Waterfront Park WHAT Architecture WHERE Louisville, KY WHEN 2012 Over 80 acres along the Ohio River edge were reclaimed from industrial land to reconnect the downtown to its historic beginnings in this first phase of the waterfront master plan. Working with George Hargreaves & Associates, a landscape of bold geometrics and sculptured forms were…


bCatalyst WHAT Heritage + Historic WHERE Louisville, KY WHEN 2013 The goal of this venture-capital incubator is to foster the development of emerging e-commerce businesses.  Incorporated within an historic, heavy-timbered industrial warehouse is an energetic, interactive and technically advanced interior to enhance that goal.  The first-floor lobby spine slices through the space to a playful…

Louisville Ballet Center

Louisville Ballet Center WHAT Arts + Museums WHERE Louisville, KY WHEN 2013 This headquarters facility combined an existing industrial building with a new addition.  The form and materials of the addition express the movement, energy and the gravitational defiance of dance.   Huge windows reveal the rehearsing figures to passersby.  The plan efficiently compartmentalizes administrative and…

Jefferson Community + Technical College – Five Campuses

Jefferson Community + Technical College – Five Campuses WHAT Education WHERE Louisville, KY WHEN 2013 Jefferson Community & Technical College commissioned Bravura to develop a physical development plan for its Downtown Campus. The plan, completed in 2011, proposes expanding the campus southward across Broadway, and recommends relocating technical programs from a remote downtown location to…

Danville Water Treatment Plant

Danville Water Treatment Plant WHAT Architecture WHERE Danville, KY WHEN 2013 The City of Danville is embarking on an ambitious plan to essentially expand and replace the city-owned Water Treatment Plant within the limits of its existing site location without reducing its ability to serve its customers in the process. It will incorporate new technologies…

Speed Museum Garage

Speed Museum Garage WHAT Architecture WHERE Louisville, KY WHEN 2013 This 300-car parking structure and related site development re-establishes the importance of a major diagonal campus pedestrian-way and creates an intimate approach to the museum entrance, while complying with University height and footprint restrictions.  The basic ‘L’ shape of the parking diagram is contrasted with…

Danville Downtown Garage

Danville Downtown Garage WHAT Architecture WHERE Danville, KY WHEN 2013 Joseph & Joseph + Bravura was commissioned to study the demand for new parking in the historic business district and to produce a feasibility study.  The results of this study gave rise to Danville’s first parking structure.  The three-story brick and steel mesh structure is…