Lincoln Elementary Performing Arts School

Lincoln Elementary Performing Arts School WHAT Education WHERE Louisville, KY WHEN 2014 Innovatively expanding and renovating an outmoded and well-worn downtown school created a new educational paradigm. Its contemporary style and flair now provides creative energy for a new life as an elementary performing arts magnet school—the first in the JCPS system and the region.…

Tavern on Fourth

Tavern on Fourth WHAT Restaurant WHERE Louisville, KY WHEN 2016 Working together with ECI, the restaurant division of the Cordish Company, Joseph & Joseph + Bravura helped develop this unique gaming and bar concept for the 4th Street Live! downtown entertainment venue. With a capacity of over 500, patrons have their choice of a variety…


Brazeiro’s WHAT Restaurant WHERE Louisville, KY WHEN 2016 One of several upscale restaurant establishments within the 4th Street Live! downtown entertainment complex, Brazeiros Steakhouse offers steak and other meats prepared and served with a uniquely Brazilian flair – combining a warm, contemporary atmosphere with authentic Gaucho inspired cuisine. Joseph & Joseph + Bravura Architects worked…